user interface (t.a.g.)

You're done reading posts of the "user interface" category.These described thoughts about human/software interaction for tools rather than the mechanics used in video games. Sometimes it introduces new widgets, sometimes I'm just taking a step back and revise the existing UI in terms of accessibility, ergonomy or ease-of-use.It's not to be swapped with user guides … Continue reading user interface (t.a.g.)

tiled [t.a.g.]

Great. You've read through all the posts related to the management of a tile-based level and how the game logic uses it. The basis is also covered in the tutorial branch through the 'cando()' function that filters contents of the map to say whether we're green to do some kind of move or not.

superpowers (t.a.g.)

You have made it to the last post about superpowers. These posts track my thoughts about temporary mechanics that could be used in my full-featured "Bilou's Adventure" game. Their fundamental difference against primary mechanics is that they must be acquired before you can use them, and could be lost while playing.

storyline (t.a.g.)

You've reached the oldest "storyline" post.These posts talk about the development of the background of "Bilou's Adventure" game, e.g. the addition/refinement of which zones the world will offer to explore, etc.It contained some historical elements, although there's more history than just presenting the storyline (the story was pretty much missing in the '94-'96 16-bit prototype.

state machine (t.a.g.)

This is the category of technical posts that discuss the use of (finite) state machine as the primary abstraction to build sophisticated behaviours for characters in video games (and side-scrolling platformers in particular).This is to meet the observation that, in games I loved, one cannot really speak about "artificial intelligence" for ennemies. However, they have … Continue reading state machine (t.a.g.)