I\'m glad i dropped MSVC++ long time ago

Oh boy! Just when i thought they couldn\'t screw things more than they\'ve already did.A friend of mine is just trying to compile something likethefile = fopen(\"my-file\",\"r\");if (thefile != NULL) printf(\"did it ^_^\\n\");and there, he gets a warning message from MSVC IDE (no idea which version) about \"fopen\" being deprecated. For security purpose, or so … Continue reading I\'m glad i dropped MSVC++ long time ago

I’m glad i dropped MSVC++ long time ago

Oh boy! Just when i thought they couldn't screw things more than they've already did.A friend of mine is just trying to compile something likethefile = fopen("my-file","r");if (thefile != NULL) printf("did it ^_^\n");and there, he gets a warning message from MSVC IDE (no idea which version) about "fopen" being deprecated. For security purpose, or so … Continue reading I’m glad i dropped MSVC++ long time ago

Les Secrets de Titus

Je suis tombé sur deux mines d'or: http://ttf.mine.nu/ (le fan club de Titus the Fox) et http://pre2.mine.nu/ (le fan club de Prehistorik 2)"Titus Interactive was a long-running French software publisher that produced games for various formats over its lifetime." Voilà ce que Wikipedia nous apprend sur Titus, la société qui a écrit et produit Prehistorik, … Continue reading Les Secrets de Titus

rumbling session

A small 'rumbling session' this lunchtime, after Cyril teased me about using apples to do "gravity experiments" on the DS -- "just like Isaac Newton, hmmm".I managed to replace the 'decompress(VRAM, some_file_bin)' by tiles loader from my Sprite Editor, and started exploring the internals of Tetris Attack source code. I like how Sten Larsson did … Continue reading rumbling session