Level Editor en cours

Allez, j’ai fait ma petite “todo list” des modif à apporter à mon éditeur de niveau (qui sait déjà gérer deux plans séparés pour construire les niveaux depuis vendredi soir). On s’y met pour le code (y’a pas mal de boulot).

  • [done] SpriteSet::Load() and SpriteSet::Save() support for extra datablocks.
  • [done] TileTable that works like SpriteTable widget, but using tiles, not sprites
  • [unlikely] Grid and Palette widgets that use multiple 16-color palettes instead of 256-color palette to reduce the amount of unique tiles needed by the widgets
  • [done] fit all the widgets within 16K Vram *max* (one ‘charbase’), including maps. Everything beyond 16K is free for allocation using Engine::allocate(RES_TILES). That would make 16-color ASCII font (8K — well, i’m unlikely to need extended ascii characters, so i could replace those upper 4K with widget-specific tiles)
  • [done] a cleaner way to manipulate up to two layers in an application-dedicated way (e.g. standard widgets in libgeds will not use these). That means only “standard” layers are background and (ascii) overlay.
  • [wish] SpritePages that can share tiles among many blocs
  • [done] extra tilesets in the file to store animations out of the 64K of tileset VRAM allows.
  • [done] SpriteSet that automatically insert blank tile #0

edit: c’est assez marrant de voir que c’est principalement ce que j’avais marqué comme “souhaité, mais pas vraiment nécessaire” qui s’est quand-même retrouvé implémenté en premier 😛

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