vgmaps tool for RDS Game-Maker
Et voilà. L’outil ultime : conversion des fichiers .MAP en allant rechercher les animations des monstres dans les .MON. Je suis encore loin d’avoir tout compris aux .mon (déplacement, etc.), mais au moins, j’ai de quoi me faire un joli musée de niveaux de nos jeux RSD Game-Maker. Pour ce qui est de faire une conversion .gam -> .nds, par contre, ce n’est toujours pas gagné. Si la plupart des maps se “compressent” assez bien sur des tiles de 8×8 (pour Badman II, en tous cas), la gestion des animations serait un vrai cauchemar dans un environnement pareil …

Good news if you used to design games on RSD Game-Maker: i managed to build a fully-featured RSD .MAP reader that lookups .MON files (at least animations) to render a full map of your levels, with monsters depicted… Oh, it could still use the information from .GAM files to show you entry/exit points as well, i admit.

I guess anyone fluent in PERL could reuse the code to write a RSD->XXX converter given that you already know the map format for XXX. Unfortunately, that doesn’t really bring me much closer to the “RSD->NDS” conversion/replay tool due to the silly 20×20 block size in .BBL files. Not much of a concern for handling the map (at least, in Badman II, most of the maps use quite few blocks and a plain conversion to 8×8 tiles does the trick), but animating such 20×20 blocks that are split over different tiles would likely turn into a nightmare. And trying to update a bitmap rendering of the level might be tedious (and boring) to implement, not mentioning the limited bandwidth to the screen’s backbuffer , that would hit the framerate quite badly..

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