indie monkey in lost temple

I’m not the author of that game nor affiliated in any way. I’m just a fan. I loved the look of the rendered mockups and the “strategy guides” presenting the obstacles. It inpsired me today to craft the “cave level screens” of “nuts’n’bolts” based on different gems or stones. My brother’s gonna love that: he used to memorise (in my brain) the geology pages of his atlas when we were kids. Only bad thing: I can’t remember of the game project’s name, nor find it back on the Internet anywhere.

If you recognize it, just post a link as comment, please. You’ll receive a dedicated drawing in return ^_^.
Thanks to Furan for identifying “adventure apes” by “scary potato salad”

Un p’tit singe perdu dans un temple … un projet de jeu de (puzzle?)-platformer plutôt sympa qui m’a inspiré l’utilisation d’un “thème géologique” pour chaque écran dans les grottes du monde de Bilou. Seul hic: impossible de retrouver le projet d’origine pour faire le lien. Le premier à me retrouver le lien vers le jeu d’origine gagne un dessin dédicacé 😉

Congrats’ and thanks to Furan ^_^

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