On repeind l’école …

Après pas mal de soirées à effacer les modifications que j’avais faites, j’ai enfin une variante des “blocs de bois” pour l’école qui soit un peu plus colorée que la version de 2007 … La tentative de “miniature” pour définir une nouvelle palette aura donc porté ses fruits ^_^

Last week, I tried to update the school zone pixels so that foreground and background would look like a common, 3D environment. It sounded a good way to start with colours that worked well as BG in the school zone. It was a flop. The picture was all greyish. I tried something new to solve it: a miniature level (started as a 32×32 bitmap and zoomed to 64×64) where I could do all the colour experiments I wanted, as they had no link with the former spriteset. Then it took me almost all the week to make some decent wooden block with those saturate-and-nicely-mixing colours. I think I finally managed to get something that works. It still needs a bit of anti-aliasing and some more touches here and there, of course.

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