Level Editor for DS : 0.1

Nous y voilà enfin: mon éditeur de niveaux disponible au téléchargement, avec les bugs corrigés, même si l’interface reste assez expérimentale. Avec en prime deux tilesets Creative Common pour vos petits tests: “generic.spr” par Surt (CC-BY-SA) et “frogatto-dirt.spr” (CC0) par Guido Bos. Amusez-vous bien, les tifous: la version française du tutoriel est en construction sur le fil “dev-fr”.

Huzzah! At last, you’ve got it. My long-delayed Level Editor for Nintendo DS (LEDS) is at last available for download with some sample tilesets to toy with ^_^. Thanks fly to Surt and Guido Bos for releasing their game art under creative-common license on OpenGameArt.

The software is still a bit rough on the angles, so make sure you’ve got the tutorial page displayed on some screen when you’ll use it for the first time(s)…
and now …
Go create!

Features that I still wish to see appearing in a future release (check back this post for UI mock-up):

  • [hint] provide a way to change “type of tile” when editing the meta-layer, without requiring on-map display. (we have the whole ABXY buttons disabled in that mode, right ?)
  • flipped tiles that also work in “copy” mode
  • area manipulation (overlays?)
  • map size edition (crop, extend)
  • map sketching (zoomed-out drawing)
  • map radar widget
  • multi-palette support on the BG layer (needs SEDS coordination)
  • [done] more robust monster edition mode.
  • wizard for .cmd file generation
  • use the ARGV protocol to quick-load a map from runMe *at a specific position*.

10 thoughts on “Level Editor for DS : 0.1

  1. hey, nathan. Thanks for the back-link. Please note however that LEDS is not quite a tileset editor … that is, it uses the tilsets “read only” and produce .map files that indicates which tile to put where.


  2. hey, nathan. Thanks for the back-link. Please note however that LEDS is not quite a tileset editor … that is, it uses the tilsets \”read only\” and produce .map files that indicates which tile to put where.


  3. Sorry for the late reply, I was a bit busy. I've fixed it now.

    Thanks, I'll add those to our download centre now. I fear it's a bit late for a news post now, though. If you come up with a new version one day, I'll gladly make a post about it.


  4. Sorry for the late reply, I was a bit busy. I've fixed it now.Thanks, I'll add those to our download centre now. I fear it's a bit late for a news post now, though. If you come up with a new version one day, I'll gladly make a post about it.


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