
if (document.images){stillCLUMP=new Image;playingCLUMP=new Image;stillCLUMP.src = \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xbWj__ULybE/TyZYca8Qs0I/AAAAAAAADcM/tuXsStG6IzE/s320/clumpalot-0.png\"; playingCLUMP.src= \"http://i.imgur.com/o8ZEK.gif\";}Well, I\'ve been using AppleAssault as a regression test when developing the new collision engine ... really just to make sure I\'m not broking everything up, as there\'s nothing in AppleAssault that could benefit from the new engine, anyway. No pushable/carriable ennemies, no platforms. Nothing.But of course, being … Continue reading Unclump\'m


if (document.images){stillCLUMP=new Image;playingCLUMP=new Image;stillCLUMP.src = "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xbWj__ULybE/TyZYca8Qs0I/AAAAAAAADcM/tuXsStG6IzE/s320/clumpalot-0.png"; playingCLUMP.src= "http://i.imgur.com/o8ZEK.gif";}Well, I've been using AppleAssault as a regression test when developing the new collision engine ... really just to make sure I'm not broking everything up, as there's nothing in AppleAssault that could benefit from the new engine, anyway. No pushable/carriable ennemies, no platforms. Nothing.But of course, being … Continue reading Unclump’m