Bilou vs. Inkjet

Good thing: I at least have “real” pixel art for the inkjet. Something that I could use in-game without blushing. Too bad: it’s oversized.

Inkjets are larger than Bilou in both comic and concept art, but not twice as large. I could live with it if only Bilou was not using them as a transportation system. To achieve that, I need the “hole” of the inkjet to be just too narrow so that Bilou can’t “fall” into the ink. That’s clearly not the case with the middle inkjet. I’ll have to resize it around 24×24 rather than 32×32 if I want it to work… and no: I don’t really feel like scaling up Bilou 😛

edit: Inkjet is like DuckTales (GB): once you’ve found how to beat it once, it’s easy to do it again. Small inkjet is now in the sprite file. Too bad, I did that *before* I merged back SEDS update, and saved the file with an old version … which dropped my nice ink animation for the spriteset >_< I'll have to find back the trick I used previously to migrate some art between two sprite files.

4 thoughts on “Bilou vs. Inkjet

  1. Du style “Ă©viter les sauts millimĂ©trĂ©s alors qu'on est encore qu'au 2eme monde”, hein ?)

    Au pire, la prĂ©sence d'un mur contre lequel l'encrier de destination se dĂ©place peut permettre l'alignement de Bilou, et donc faciliter l'aterrissage. On garderait les sauts “free style” pour les accĂšs aux bonus et autres.


  2. Du style \”Ă©viter les sauts millimĂ©trĂ©s alors qu'on est encore qu'au 2eme monde\”, hein ?)Au pire, la prĂ©sence d'un mur contre lequel l'encrier de destination se dĂ©place peut permettre l'alignement de Bilou, et donc faciliter l'aterrissage. On garderait les sauts \”free style\” pour les accĂšs aux bonus et autres.


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