XMAS School Demo.

Here's the new demo. I hope I'll be able to add some screenshots and stuff, but my Internet access is currently down. I've managed to fix the memory corruption problems that prevented to reload the level when Bilou "dies", so here you go.Voilà enfin la démo promise. Bilou se promène dans les nouveaux graphismes de … Continue reading XMAS School Demo.

Bowels of the Memory Manager …

With cases stacking up, I got used to ignore all those testimonies that pretend that "Malloc is the killer, I've seen him". I wouldn't trade Malloc's skin for my oldest pair of gloves, as he's always the first one people blame.Bah. People. What do they know about crime, after all...Hopefully, I have other noses for … Continue reading Bowels of the Memory Manager …

GobAnim vs. GobAnim

Something went 'oops' when trying to upgrade the 'bouncing feet' behaviour for dumblador's behaviour. I edited new animations for the feet in AnimEDS (mostly to take advantage of the bounding box edition feature), but when I injected that into the ongoing test level, I simply didn't see any feet anymore.Armé de mes nouvelles petites anim' … Continue reading GobAnim vs. GobAnim

Games of Thrown

if (document.images){stillTHROWN=new Image; playingTHROWN=new Image; stillTHROWN.src = "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4Gm6rR6m2Ak/UL_HVxNTw7I/AAAAAAAAD84/3aFi0OaTsSA/s1600/thrown.png"; playingTHROWN.src= "https://pypebros.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/55ea9-thrown.gif";}1MB. throwing in action ...mises à jour du moteur de jeu terminées: on peut ramasser et lancer des Dumbladors ... puis les re-ramasser et les lancer de nouveau. Enfin, toujours dans la même direction, je le crains, mais lancer quand-même.Je vais pouvoir passer à l'implémentation des … Continue reading Games of Thrown

levez .. abaissez … levez … balancez!

Petite réflexion de week-end: comment s'assurer que Bilou ne puisse pas tenter de prendre un 2eme objet en main. Pour l'instant, c'est en tombant une 2eme fois sur Dumblador que celui-ci passe en mode "transporté", ce qui autorise un nombre arbitrairement grand de Dumbladors à suivre Bilou.Il faudra donc impérativement que les zones de collision … Continue reading levez .. abaissez … levez … balancez!