7 days left.

I got LEDS working almost fine on the green DS with the expanded and reordered animation sheets. I went through trivial fixes such as “animation X shouldn’t loop since we depend on it to be done before switching to another state”, etc. In-editor GOB linking did worked, although producing curious effects: a Spongebop was found moving through the level backwards because the nail it’s pinned on was cloned from an inkjet and therefore had an initial horizontal speed 😛

Cette fois, c’est reparti. L’Ă©diteur de niveaux et le moteur de jeu intĂ©grĂ© Ă  “runME” sont capables de gĂ©rer les nouvelles pages d’animations correctement. Je peux ajouter les petits raffinements du style “faire faire demi-tour Ă  la gomme” ou “se relever aprĂšs s’ĂȘtre ramassĂ© un coup”, etc. Il me reste 7 soirĂ©es pour complĂ©ter le comportement de la gomme, de l’encrier et du crayon et dessiner le “bas” du niveau anniversaire.

At some point, it will save time to be able to see the initialization expression of one GOB, clear it if needed (and later, to write it from scratch, of course). A way to have self-initializing spongebop would also help: currently, they do not preserve the “energy” they’re given initially, and so their speed is “reset” to a given swing value when they’re crossing the vertical line. Unless this is fixed, sponges with a too-short thread will break loose and sponges with a too-long thread won’t swing as far as the level design states.

I still wish Bilou could get more height when leaving a grabbed sponge, too. And then, there’s pendat.cmd virtually inexistant, verso.cmd hoping for more freedom, inkjet.cmd needing to settle down and some cork-platform to be drawn.

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