Kirby Kid\'s Advice: Inkjet interplay

Here\'s another one stripped out from Kirby Kid\'s precious feedback:the double ink jar obstacle could be tuned better so that the player waits less. the rhythm/timing challenge here is pretty complex (two objects moving and attacking at different rate). Also when the ink rises jumping into these jars is difficult when they go under the … Continue reading Kirby Kid\'s Advice: Inkjet interplay

Kirby Kid’s Advice: Inkjet interplay

Here's another one stripped out from Kirby Kid's precious feedback:the double ink jar obstacle could be tuned better so that the player waits less. the rhythm/timing challenge here is pretty complex (two objects moving and attacking at different rate). Also when the ink rises jumping into these jars is difficult when they go under the … Continue reading Kirby Kid’s Advice: Inkjet interplay