Leçon de tuning: la théorie

if (document.images){stillSPOTYOU=new Image; playingSPOTYOU=new Image; stillSPOTYOU.src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IG152ZP4iTg/VImN3c1lroI/AAAAAAAAFr8/uAjQISTbOq4/s320/b128-box.png"; playingSPOTYOU.src= "https://pypebros.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/21e9b-penrush.gif";} Tune it well ...Animating a running pendat within restricted pixel space turned out better than I initially expected. Now, I have to tune that additional move to ensure it improves the gameplay. The speed at which it moves, the distance from which Bilou is detected and the acceleration … Continue reading Leçon de tuning: la théorie