Todo list des vacances

Petit arrêt au calme au milieu des écureuils. L’occasion de faire un peu le point sur “School Rush” et de ce qui manque pour compléter le jeu en faisant le tour de mes petits calepins:

  • [don’t] BigPunch => StraightThrow. Une façon d’encourager le joueur à continuer à emmener des Dumbladors avec lui même après avoir obtenu un “BigPunch”.
  • [done] Rallonger l’effet d’un “air punch” sur les Pendatz.
  • [how?] Implémenter quelque-chose de similaire sur Verso.
  • Une “danse de la victoire” à la fin du niveau
  • [done] Autoriser le FLOAT à partir du High-Jump (inkjets, gommes-bumper)
  • [done] Passage à FLOAT automatique quand Bilou obtient le Power-up FLOAT
  • [how?] quelque-chose de similaire pour BigPunch
  • Indique l’état des power-up sur le “HUD”
  • [done] Eliminer les Pendatz en mode “dizzy”.
  • Donner une utilité aux bonus à récolter.

I played some School Rush this week, and read back scribbled notes to isolate todo items I still have to address. Many of these are related to the power-ups, the way to ensure their state can be understood by the player and to have coherent behaviour accross the game.

I would like to augment the GameScript class, too — the level parser — with a “reload()” method that would keep the state machine structures, but reload maps, evaluate expressions and reset GOBs to their scripted positions, so that we can efficiently retry the level when the player failed.

I also analysed the layout of my two first levels. I want to add a layer of collectibles that would give gameplay hints:

  • you can pick up a stunned blador
  • you can throw bladors at pendats
  • you can ride spongebops
  • have you tried to throw a blador in spikes ?
  • bladors can un-wire spongebop

and in the level 2:

  • hold (A) and you’ll float at the top of your jump
  • big punch can defeat pendats
  • DOWN + (B) let you grab bladors although ou have Big Punch
  • sponges do float
  • bladors can stun inkjets.

The idea would be to have it look like a star-coin in NSMB, but also reveal a small drawing when discovered.

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