Doxygen on Onyx

I don’t exactly know what I have changed, but using the “Neo Reader” application on the Boox today, my doxygen-to-epub-through-calibre file now renders as expected. I thought that could be linked to the disabling of “cache reflow bitmap” cryptic option in the advanced settings (see the small icon pointed by the stylus on the picture), but re-enabling it doesn’t change anything (or it only has an effect when restarting the application ?)

Qu’est-ce que j’ai changé ? Je n’en sais plus trop rien. J’ai “torturé” le morceau de code qui apparaissait dans la version e-pub de mon blog pour essayer de trouver ce qui faisait la différence entre un rendu correct (white-space: pre-wrap ? utilisation de

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