Finishing steps for School Rush

  • [true] ensure the music track for the last level is different
  • [done] bring in the amazing books as the background for the final level
  • [>>>] make a funny “true ending” sequence
  • [done] draw something for the missing loading screen(s?)
  • [done] inkjets start aggressive in hard mode
  • [wish?] page-swap bonuses as player progress into the levels to m4ke him b3liv3 th3 m4th 4r3 t4king 0v3r th3 w0r1d (originally mentioned here)
  • [done] resume the normal level order/spawn points.

And I still don’t have vertical movement for floating spongebop.

Yup. No code tonight. Just took some time to crawl through the old “todo” posts and collect a list of things that are still pending. As I can allow less and less time at once on my hobby project these days, I need to organize myself more …

To be honest, I’m starting to be attracted more and more by things that aren’t related to School Rush and less and less by finishing School Rush itself. Possibly because we’re approaching a big release at work … possibly because the Internet seems not to care a lot about the idea of rushing School Rush.

I wanted to temporarily disable the “window” feature on the torch-light GOB (just to check it has the shape it should), but when I do so, I get a cryptic “Panic! GameInfo reading out of buffer!” message from desmume… I’ll have to investigate that.


  • [done] With the window disabled, it looks like the OAM flipping isn’t working for my torchlight-sprite. I’ll have to understand why
  • [done] While hacking the get-ready-to-swim fix, it looks like I broke a rule in the Bilou-got-hurt rules, allowing pendats (which are both hurting and solid) to combo-kill you


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