couldn\'t list the directory.

For some reason, recent desmume (0.9.11) shipped with my Ubuntu distro cannot list files in directories passed as –cflash-path.
and this time, my \’old version\’ of desmume binaries are 32-bit while the system is running a 64-bit OS. I had multiarch-support package installed, but not libc6:i386, nor libstdc++6:i386, and as a result, and I just had a weird message about the \’file not being found\’, while it was obviously there. Once those core packages had been installed, I got more coder-friendly error messages mentioning which library was missing, so I could just find the corresponding package with apt-file and install e.g. libsdl1.2debian:i386, libglib2.0-0:i386 and the like.

And eventually, I could run a copy of desmume-cli so old that –version isn\’t even supported 😛 0.9.6 svnr3873 dev+, it says. And that one granted me with proper file loading, so I\’ll be able to investigate whether my edits on the extended monsters editions are OK or not … next time.

(and no, this time adding –load-type=1 did not help)
(bug confirmed with filesystem/libfat/libfatdir example from devkitpro)

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