Refactoring "QuickGo" widget

I\’m trying to make that \”mini-map\” widget better following good practice software engineering, so that I could maintain the rest of the tool more easily. I\’ve done that refactoring one small touch at a time, in usually one-hour session while it was damn hot outside and while kids were sleeping in the living room.

It looks like I\’ve introduced a few bugs with the refactoring, though. It\’s been a while since I didn\’t get something that messy !

edit: oh, btw, that got fixed through early August.

And yeah, I know, it\’s a bit odd to keep blogging such things. Likely something that is both a public version control and a social website would do the job, and \’github\’ would immediately come to mind. Unfortunately, A) I hardly trust Microsoft to keep running github nicely and B) github doesn\’t work with my boox device >_<

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