Super Bilou?

Because yeah, I can’t help: the SuperNES draws me like a magnet. No matter how many times I refrain myself from looking deeper into it, I keep wondering how school rush would feel on the 16-bit queen.
But there is no easy answer. The SNES means only.128 colours for all 3 tiled layers. It means that either the ink or the owl must be patched to work with only 4 colours per tile. And it most likely mean that the twin playground layers of School Rush levels must be merged into a single one, with sprites automatically used where Bilou must enter objects like big binders.

But even with all those limitations, I feel like it would be the only mass-marketed 16-bit  that could host ports of the game. Both Mega-Drive and Amiga lack colours , and I don’t feel like asking my bro to give Sega FM chip a try, even though 68000 assembly has more hex appeal than SNES 6502+ instruction set.

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