Adventures in LVM

I had issues resizing the / partition of my system some time before creating the last VM I was using at work, so apparently I though \”oh yeah, I\’ll enable Linear Volume Management (or whatever LVM stands for) this time\”.

Everything worked fine as long as I was running on that VM. And I don\’t remember having to grow the partition (I\’m unsure the disk backing it would have allowed it to grow a lot, anyway).

But then I had to make the same virtual disk working on a new root filesystem, likely because the new VM has UEFI boot enabled by default and the previous disk image was for MBR-boot only… helped a lot to recover stuff.

Do you think that would make it.

No. Of course not. I managed to screw my enlightenment window manager configuration, and end up with nothing but black-on-black windows (with nice blue shadows when I switch focus, though). Since all the enlightenment configuration files are \”encrypted\” now, I unfortunately can\’t vim me out of this mess, so I thought \”never mind: I\’ll mount a second instance of that hard disk and recover files from there … haha. Nice try.

Of course, the two disks have the same LVM identifier, so none of lvscan and friends allow to use both at the same time >_<

some shutdowns later, I copied back my configuration and have a working window manager again. pfew.

Next time, I\’ll remember to archive contents of ~/.e/ before feeling adventurous… enlightenment nicely makes up to 10 backups of your files, but when one more is lost about everytime you start a new session, apparently. And one quickly makes lots of sessions while trying to fix such issues :-/

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