Oneliner to convert them all

fe -nx *.spr \"perl ~/DS/SpriteEditor/bin/
%.spr ~/hobby/dspr/demo-%.blk.png
fe -nx *.spr \"perl ~/DS/SpriteEditor/bin/ 
%.spr ~/hobby/dspr/demo-%.spr.png
--extra --maxheight=256\"

Another oneliner to gather them all, and in HTML bind them…

(echo \'\' ; 
fe *.png \"echo \'<div style=@display: inline-block;
background: grey; text-align: center;@>

\'\" ;
echo \'\')
| sed -e \"s/@/\'/g\" > test.html

Why ? Because I need to know which are okay, which need to be recovered and which need post-processing.

And then I realize that I cannot \’compact\’ the alternate spritesets (draft and animations), and one possible explanation for that is that the \’free tiles\’ information for that pool is incoherent. Maybe my `sprck` tool could fix that, but to be honest, its output is so cryptic that I might need to run it in DDD to figure out. 

  • horizontal vertical tripes mean there\’s no pages using the block
  • vertical horizontal stripes mean there\’s a FREE entry for the block.
  • why is there so many FREE slots indicating that tile#0 is free ? (there\’s sprck_cleanup() to address that).
  • even after it \’repaired\’ the file, I seem to still have the same 
  • [done] fix spr2png –cleanup so that it works properly with –extra=1 and –extra=2.
  • [dont] ensure sprck is capable of dropping FREE entries when a block is used on a page. instead, we have to mark them free
  • [okay] ensure sprck can add FREE entries when no page is using a block – that\’s automatic in -repair mode.
  • [todo] have `fe` and `` and `whereami` hosted in DS/bin (or DS/tools/ or wherever it fits)