AnimEDS updates

Holly Bells! I don't think I've been waiting so hard for holidays since I graduated 0_0.And to celebrate that, here's the new "running" animation built in AnimEDS. I also animated Spongebop and added a few animations to inkjet, but there seems to be issues with AnimEDS itself, and which slot it decides to save your … Continue reading AnimEDS updates

throwing bladors

I can be glad I'm done with the "bottom things" of my summer todo list. Now the winter is starting, and what is left is what is more linked to the game logic and the revised collision engine which is waiting to prove its superior capabilities with some dumblador stunning and throwing.De temps en temps, … Continue reading throwing bladors


Avec les nouvelles version de SEDS et AnimEDS, je n'aurai plus à rougir de la variété des Koopa Troopa. Me voilà également capable de créer des personnages animés en changeant la teinte des différents sprites utilisés. Voilà qui complète agréablement les modifications apportées à mon éditeur de niveau début septembre. Je vais peut-être bien pouvoir … Continue reading tint’m’up!

pick a slot

I'd say "good. things are progressing" if that progress hadn't been done while I can't get due sleep, coughing and sneezing. Anyway, I'm done with some basic steps to confirm that a multi-slot palette can be loaded in AnimEDS. Much remains, that will need more lunch-thinking.[done] ensure multi-slot palettes are read correctly.[done] buttons to pick … Continue reading pick a slot

AnimEDS at Neoflash Compo

For the second time, I'm entering the "Neo Coding compo", with latest versions of AnimEDS and SEDS, with in-app help for almost all the operations. I had first some hope, as there weren't that much "good" (imho) applications submitted until Smealum (arsenal) nuked me with his FPSMaker ...Un badge, des messages d'aide, un personnage moustachu … Continue reading AnimEDS at Neoflash Compo


Je vous disais que l'animation de Bilou avait été fortement inspirée par Fury of the Furries ... Ça m'a donc semblé normal d'utiliser le "roulé-boulé-en-l'air" comme cas de test des "animations de transitions". Entre "je tombe" et "j'ai rebondi", par exemple.Après avoir dessiné quelques sprites de plus pour Bilou lui-même, je me suis retrouvé tout … Continue reading pullmask