
if (document.images){stillPITCH=new Image; playingPITCH=new Image; stillPITCH.src = "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8N0zWV8mdb8/T-srgWCw4JI/AAAAAAAADpc/_2_ctmYMHBE/s320/pitchenette.png"; playingPITCH.src= "http://i.imgur.com/VmgHK.gif";}I managed to animate the ink in the school zone, target reached. AnimEditor should now be fixed and will be able to manipulate .spr files without dropping information, although I still need to track some memory-related bug.So why not have a break and try that counter-stuff … Continue reading pitchenette

Piek’s counter

Rencontre-surprise avec Piek, concepteur initial de ce qui a fini par devenir le Bilou que vous connaissez. Et double-combo-bonus: il venait juste de tester de manière plus approfondie Apple Assault (avec contre-expertise de son gamin que je situerais pas loin des 10 ans).J'ai pensé à quelque chose qui pourrait discipliner un peu parfois un certain … Continue reading Piek’s counter

Apple Assault: walkthrough video

My brother has started shooting some GBA gameplay videos with his semi-pro camera. So why not reuse that "studio" to shoot a decent Apple Assault gameplay video as well ? Better late than never, I guess.Mieux vaut tard que jamais: voici une vidéo du jeu Apple Assault développé en 2010 et revu ce mois de … Continue reading Apple Assault: walkthrough video

Berry Bat Things

Hey, there! Cleaning up and tuning in are done. If you enjoyed once AppleAssault, but then stopped playing it because you didn't feel the challenge anymore, here's an update that you might love: AppleAssault -- BerryBat Things. The idea is simple: you've got limited time to clear up a level. As long as you punch … Continue reading Berry Bat Things


if (document.images){stillCLUMP=new Image;playingCLUMP=new Image;stillCLUMP.src = "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-xbWj__ULybE/TyZYca8Qs0I/AAAAAAAADcM/tuXsStG6IzE/s320/clumpalot-0.png"; playingCLUMP.src= "http://i.imgur.com/o8ZEK.gif";}Well, I've been using AppleAssault as a regression test when developing the new collision engine ... really just to make sure I'm not broking everything up, as there's nothing in AppleAssault that could benefit from the new engine, anyway. No pushable/carriable ennemies, no platforms. Nothing.But of course, being … Continue reading Unclump’m

Last Minute Panic…

Mouais. Pas si finale que ça, finalement, la version 1.4 d'Apple Assault. En tout cas, elle mériterait bien un bugfix. Un conseil si vous devez faire une pause, fermez la console un niveau, pas entre deux niveaux. Disons que le suivi d'un pattern pour déclencher des actions sur certaines lignes n'aime pas trop qu'on laisse … Continue reading Last Minute Panic…