rumbling session

A small 'rumbling session' this lunchtime, after Cyril teased me about using apples to do "gravity experiments" on the DS -- "just like Isaac Newton, hmmm".I managed to replace the 'decompress(VRAM, some_file_bin)' by tiles loader from my Sprite Editor, and started exploring the internals of Tetris Attack source code. I like how Sten Larsson did … Continue reading rumbling session

Hardware Félure …

Bon ... pas de pot, mon matériel de bidouilleur DS commence a donner des signes de faiblesse ... juste au moment ou je m'apprétais à passer un petit week-end sympa à intégrer des musiques et des images à moi dans TetAttDS pour le transformer tout doucement en "apple rumble" ... grumble.Jusqu'ici, pour tester tous mes … Continue reading Hardware Félure …

mybrew (t.a.g.)

You've reached the last post in the "mybrew" thread.These post present the software development and releases I've been through on the Nintendo DS. That captures everything about the sprite editor, the level editor and the animation editor that I intend to use for building Bilou's adventure, plus the Multi-purpose transfer-and-testing tool dubbed 'runme' and (of … Continue reading mybrew (t.a.g.)