GobAnim vs. GobAnim

Something went 'oops' when trying to upgrade the 'bouncing feet' behaviour for dumblador's behaviour. I edited new animations for the feet in AnimEDS (mostly to take advantage of the bounding box edition feature), but when I injected that into the ongoing test level, I simply didn't see any feet anymore.Armé de mes nouvelles petites anim' … Continue reading GobAnim vs. GobAnim

Landing bug, from the state machine

Since the introduction of 1st September release, I observed curious behaviours with Bilou landing. First, it could occur that Bilou looks "dislocated" just when landing, which would last for a few frames before he starts walking. That can be explained by the fact the OAMs the hardware uses have received new graphics, but still with … Continue reading Landing bug, from the state machine

throwing bladors

I can be glad I'm done with the "bottom things" of my summer todo list. Now the winter is starting, and what is left is what is more linked to the game logic and the revised collision engine which is waiting to prove its superior capabilities with some dumblador stunning and throwing.De temps en temps, … Continue reading throwing bladors

Back to School!

Here's at last the demonstration of game engine improvement and new graphics for the School Zone, on a temporary soundtrack by Cyborg Jeff.There's no "gameplay" or "mission" yet: you can navigate through a single map, bop sponges and dumbladors and track bugs (there sure are some). The ink doesn't hurt yet, but the baddies do. … Continue reading Back to School!

OAM priority issues

I'm about to introduce significant complexity in the game engine for the purpose of displaying some compound animations properly. I've took the time to think about it (while drilling staircase for a kid-safety-barrier, if you ask :P) and figured out how to sort all the needed details. I just missed one point: this is absolutely … Continue reading OAM priority issues

A new Bilou is coming soon …

if (document.images){stillNBILOU=new Image; playingNBILOU=new Image; stillNBILOU.src = "https://pypebros.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/ca8fd-kibhx.png"; playingNBILOU.src= "http://i.imgur.com/KiBHx.gif";}here you go: new animations for Bilou under test. I still have lot of work to do before it gets really convincing, but it's clearly an animation improvement compared to the former, frame-by-frame animation, don't you think ?[done]that makes too much frame to toy with manual … Continue reading A new Bilou is coming soon …

Tout ou rien

Ça être un rien plus long que prévu: il n'est pas possible de mélanger animation normale et composite pour un même GOB à l'heure actuelle: le nombre de sprites-membres et le décodeur d'animation sont fixés à l'instanciation en fonction de la première animation utilisée pour le GOB (son état initial).Bilou's conversion to the new animation … Continue reading Tout ou rien

Devoir de Vacances…

Bon, on est encore loin d'avoir une "school zone demo" convaincante, mais au moins, la première vague d'upgrade des outils touche à sa fin. J'aimerais avoir pour la fin de l'été une démo avec Bilou converti en animation composite (plus ou moins indispensable, vu que j'ai déjà effacé son corps pour les étapes de marche, … Continue reading Devoir de Vacances…

Dumblador turns back

if (document.images){stillBLTURN=new Image; playingBLTURN=new Image; stillBLTURN.src = "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iUnJiq-XeVg/T7t0W80vaxI/AAAAAAAADlg/uIpWymphonM/s320/bladorturn.png"; playingBLTURN.src= "http://i.imgur.com/2yUdH.gif";}Here it comes. Some final tweaks on dumblador's "walk to the right" animation last night and I now have a CompoundGob that turns back when it encounters a wall (how sweet ^_^) Dumblador avance et fait demi-tour. L'occasion de revenir sur le fonctionnement des personnages dans … Continue reading Dumblador turns back