platforms (at last ?)

1. The platform must be passiveThis is due to the fact the platform could be carrying several objects and must remain "unaware" of this.2. Having a "reference GOB" is fundamentalNot only walking on a platform involves Bilou (or other "character" GOBs) to have controllers that look at the behaviour of other GOBs. It also happens … Continue reading platforms (at last ?)

Les collisions

Les collisions, c'est probablement un des éléments les plus important de la gestion des sprites dans un moteur de jeu. Outre l'aspect purement technique "y a-t-il ou pas collision" et l'aspect d'optimisation "comment tester les collisions entre N sprites (potentiellement (N*N-1)/2 calculs) en un temps raisonnable", il y a le côté "logique du jeu": comment … Continue reading Les collisions

World Collisions

Left alone, testpoinst are not really a satisfactory way to handle collisions between objects of a game and the world.First they don't cover enough and cannot catch all the odd situations. Testpoints are points and they cannot detect the case where you're jumping through a corner unless you have many of them (up to one … Continue reading World Collisions