libFAT : hide and fseek …

Well, initially I thought that the performance issue of TCP transfers would be worth another investigation-novel-styled post, but being somewhere between Christmas and New Year's Eve didn't allowed me to do so. Or maybe just digesting the source code of libfat, figuring out what kind of access pattern made it so slow and what more … Continue reading libFAT : hide and fseek …

Speed Limit: 32

Now, that's fairly annoying. It looks like the TCP WiFi transfers with the "devkitpro r32" is roughly 3 times slowlier than its r21 counterpart (in purple) for the same receiving code. That's especially annoying since it significantly increase the duration of a self-upgrade cycle during development.The new performance (in black, as reported by wireshark) is … Continue reading Speed Limit: 32

Debugging sessions darker than night

Beyond Infinity, a fellow OS hobby developer back in 2002 used to twist Gandalf's quote into "I see debugging sessions coming, darker than night itself" ... I guess that could apply to the last week. After identifying the reason why DDD wasn't operating properly (not showing machine code) anymore and quickly applying a patch, I … Continue reading Debugging sessions darker than night

It works ! I can’t believe it !! …

Wo, dudes. It sure has been an odd week at work, but it was even weirder after office hours when I tried to figure out what prevented Apple Assault to work... I wish I had actually typed "svn copy trunk branch/dkp-r32" before I started "fixing" the code for the new release of devkitarm.After spending hours … Continue reading It works ! I can’t believe it !! …

sgIP_TCP: either buggy or awkward

L'implémentation de TCP sur DS me surprend un peu, et pourrait bien expliquer les "fuites de données" observées pendant les transfers DS->PC. Ou les "deadlocks" qui se produisent en cours de transmission". Sur la sellette, la gestion des ACK, ces signaux qui indiquent qu'un paquet a bien été reçu.I've never seen a TCP implementation behaving … Continue reading sgIP_TCP: either buggy or awkward