iScriptException …

Something uncomfortably wrong occurs in the game engine. Objects I'm trying to restore have invalid state attached. I believe this is the reason why there has been "guru meditation" screens during last playtests with friends. It seems linked to abnormal use of the memory: while the infringing object seems to have proper structure, it seems … Continue reading iScriptException …

Palette Sonore : CJ à la rescousse!

Un point sur lequel je peux facilement donner raison à Kirby Kid, c'est le désert sonore dans lequel on évolue dans le jeu. Un petit "p'tcha!" quand Bilou se fait toucher, un "bop" quand on rebondit sur un monstre et un 'ting' quand on chope un bonus. Et c'est tout. Le lancer de taille-crayon, les … Continue reading Palette Sonore : CJ à la rescousse!

Ink Swamp Worm

if (document.images){stillINKWORM=new Image; playingINKWORM=new Image; stillINKWORM.src = ""; playingINKWORM.src= "";}The ink swamp wormNow *this* is looking better. It tooks two "masters" (one to the left, the other to the right) to ensure that I have a chain of wavelets GOB looking still, and looking to occupy the whole level. I will definitely need a wider … Continue reading Ink Swamp Worm

Some bugfixes in progress

After a couple of days checking the stats, I opened the editors again. I wanted to experiment alternative collisions for Spongebop and improve the readability when falling down. I updated camera control so that UP/DOWN DPAD directions can be used to adapt camera (that was quite simple) I think I tracked down an unpredictible crash … Continue reading Some bugfixes in progress

GobAnim vs. GobAnim

Something went 'oops' when trying to upgrade the 'bouncing feet' behaviour for dumblador's behaviour. I edited new animations for the feet in AnimEDS (mostly to take advantage of the bounding box edition feature), but when I injected that into the ongoing test level, I simply didn't see any feet anymore.Armé de mes nouvelles petites anim' … Continue reading GobAnim vs. GobAnim


J'ai trouvé un cas de figure pour tester la fonction "attacher un GOB à un autre" qui doit me servir entre-autres pour transporter Dumblador ou pour faire de SpongeBob une plate-forme mobile.Je veux dire, "un cas de figure qui ne dépende *que* de cette nouvelle fonction".Starting to work on a set of new features such … Continue reading gob->attach(that)

AA : early gameplay draft

Vous vous souvenez de la présentation "onirique" d'Apple Assault la veille de mon aniversaire ? J'ai remis la main sur un petit croquis nocturne dans le carnet qui contient les précieuses mesures de ma cuisine. Je vous en dirais bien plus, mais ma fée m'attend pour descendre chez I<ea ... il faut vraiment qu'on change … Continue reading AA : early gameplay draft

0_o still 42 zombies

Making funghi-generated applemen EVIL wasn't such a hard task. Now I need to ensure they are properly destroyed when the level is over. It looks like it's something I had postponed when writing ClearDynGobs() ... Resulting in an enigmatic "still 42 zombies" message in the middle of parsing logs.I don't like zombies. They believe their … Continue reading 0_o still 42 zombies