Guru Meditation again

Bon, je me suis retrouvé après avoir fait quelques essais du nouveau système de gestion des évènements de mon moteur de jeu avec un bel écran bleu. Sur DS uniquement, évidemment. Après quelques tentatives infructueuses de régler ça en une demie-heure, j'ai fini par profiter du fait que ma fée était en réunion pour me … Continue reading Guru Meditation again

deep blue InfiniMap

CommonMap revision changed the lookAt/scrollTo interface of background layers to take unsigned positions. After all, it shouldn't be possible to set the center of the screen into negative coordinates when the top-most corner is (0,0).But I will need to keep internal computation of signed integers anyway. else I get blue meditation screens...The core of the … Continue reading deep blue InfiniMap

MMU9 write32 to undefined register 04001058h

While working on a solution to get-into-walls bug, I had a ugly alignment bug to fix. I have many debugging tool, but none was really helpful (once again), partly due to my lovely HUD that now takes the bottom of the screen...InspectorWidget est en vacances,iprintf en arrêt maladie,ddd fait la grève du code optimisé, Qui … Continue reading MMU9 write32 to undefined register 04001058h

Panic! GameInfo reading out of buffer!

Pretty weird error message. I don't know what triggers that. It doesn't interrupt the emulated program but kills the emulator itself, even when we're running in gdb-debugging mode. It happens while parsing some line of text in my "wave.cmd" script unless I invoke GobAnim::setWindowed() on an animation earlier on. The object parsed when the crash … Continue reading Panic! GameInfo reading out of buffer!

The latest devkitpro

[solved] latest runme crash with stack=0 when loading the title screenrunme triggers a crash of desmume-cli, version 0.9.11 when --cflash-path is used to grant access to data itemssame runme can be launched when no --cflash-path is providedsame runme works fine when emulated on old desmume (0.9.6, 32-bit, running on old laptop), even with --cflash-pathsame runme … Continue reading The latest devkitpro