OAM priority issues

I'm about to introduce significant complexity in the game engine for the purpose of displaying some compound animations properly. I've took the time to think about it (while drilling staircase for a kid-safety-barrier, if you ask :P) and figured out how to sort all the needed details. I just missed one point: this is absolutely … Continue reading OAM priority issues


if (document.images){stillBAD=new Image;playingBAD=new Image;stillBAD.src = "https://pypebros.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/a378e-demo-run.png"; playingBAD.src= "http://dsgametools.sf.net/pixs/demo-run.gif";} Deux boules superposées, deux mains rondouillettes et pareil pour les pieds, Badman est un candidat idéal pour l'animation modulaire lui aussi!Quelques coups de stylet dans le SpriteEditor, une petite animation-test d'une course plutôt concluante. C'est bon. Mais en redessinant une cape hier soir, je me rends compte … Continue reading Badman.

grayscale preview : done.

Well, I guess it would be fair enough to admit that my knowledge in image processing turned out to be insufficient to provide a "magic contrast boost" slider in SEDS. Yet I regularly have contrast issues with my sprites, and I've learnt on Pixelation forums that turning your sprite into grayscale is a nice way … Continue reading grayscale preview : done.