Programmation GBA dans Login 92

 J'aimais vraiment bien le magazine Login:, bien plus riche que tous les Linux Mag' sur lesquels j'ai pu mettre la main. Romain Guy y signera une série d'articles, sur la programmation GBA début 2002. Un an trop tard pour moi, malheureusement: je suis à fond dans la construction de Clicker avec une demi-douzaine de collaborateurs … Continue reading Programmation GBA dans Login 92

Swinging Ropes in Pharaohs Return

I love those "dark" places of the Web where you can hear about other people's pet project and see them progressing. I developed a particular sympathy towards Lazycow's "Pharaohs' Return" project, a revival of Pharaohs Curse with state-of-the-art C64 programming.Il paraît que les forums, c'est la "matière noire" d'Internet. Obscure, insaisissable, insondable. L'antimatière d'un blog/wiki, … Continue reading Swinging Ropes in Pharaohs Return

AnimEDS at Neoflash Compo

For the second time, I'm entering the "Neo Coding compo", with latest versions of AnimEDS and SEDS, with in-app help for almost all the operations. I had first some hope, as there weren't that much "good" (imho) applications submitted until Smealum (arsenal) nuked me with his FPSMaker ...Un badge, des messages d'aide, un personnage moustachu … Continue reading AnimEDS at Neoflash Compo

libFAT : hide and fseek …

Well, initially I thought that the performance issue of TCP transfers would be worth another investigation-novel-styled post, but being somewhere between Christmas and New Year's Eve didn't allowed me to do so. Or maybe just digesting the source code of libfat, figuring out what kind of access pattern made it so slow and what more … Continue reading libFAT : hide and fseek …

libFAT cache-cache

Après avoir instrumenté un brin le gestionnaire de cache de la libFAT, j'ai droit à une belle série de statistiques qui montrent que pour réécrire ~400K sur ma carte mémoire, il me faut au préalable lire à peu près autant (968 secteurs) ... En fait, puisque j'écris chaque paquet (~550 bytes) au fur et à … Continue reading libFAT cache-cache

Speed Limit: 32

Now, that's fairly annoying. It looks like the TCP WiFi transfers with the "devkitpro r32" is roughly 3 times slowlier than its r21 counterpart (in purple) for the same receiving code. That's especially annoying since it significantly increase the duration of a self-upgrade cycle during development.The new performance (in black, as reported by wireshark) is … Continue reading Speed Limit: 32