Debugging sessions darker than night

Beyond Infinity, a fellow OS hobby developer back in 2002 used to twist Gandalf's quote into "I see debugging sessions coming, darker than night itself" ... I guess that could apply to the last week. After identifying the reason why DDD wasn't operating properly (not showing machine code) anymore and quickly applying a patch, I … Continue reading Debugging sessions darker than night

It works ! I can’t believe it !! …

Wo, dudes. It sure has been an odd week at work, but it was even weirder after office hours when I tried to figure out what prevented Apple Assault to work... I wish I had actually typed "svn copy trunk branch/dkp-r32" before I started "fixing" the code for the new release of devkitarm.After spending hours … Continue reading It works ! I can’t believe it !! …


sauf erreur de ma part, je parviens maintenant à avoir le code de runme qui tourne sur desmume (version 0.9.6-SVN) quand il est compilé avec en mode "dkp-r32". Par contre, si j'essaie d'utiliser les même outils pour AppleAssault, j'ai droit à un magnifique "SYSTEM POWERED OFF VIA ARM7 SPI POWER DEVICE". Je soupçonne desmume de … Continue reading SYSTEM POWERED OFF VIA ARM7 SPI POWER DEVICE

Commuting Artists’ feedback.

Here comes a small comment from a fry on Pixelation who was looking for "something else that UA paint for pixel art". Here's (anonymized) a snapshot of our conversation that contains relevant information for programmers. 'Embossing' is mine.I saw from your sig that you pixel on your DS - which is something I often do … Continue reading Commuting Artists’ feedback.