Hacking gspca for Logitech QuickCam E1000 support.

Hop, je fais le saut: j'achète une webcam. Pas chère (25 francs) avec oreillette inclue "für skype" ... Mon choix s'est arrêté sur la QuickCam E1000 de Logitech, dans un rayon qui semble comporter une douzaine d'autres webcam qui se ressemblent toutes, en ce qui me concerne, hormis peut-être leur prix.Je branche ça sur mon … Continue reading Hacking gspca for Logitech QuickCam E1000 support.

Screwed up terminals: the solution

Anyone who has been doing C programming on Linux has encountered this at least one, or is a very rigourous programmer. A certain binary sequence (that you normally never encounter in ASCII text, but that might be present in that binary file you accidentally dumped on your terminal) will switch you to the "graphical and … Continue reading Screwed up terminals: the solution

Programmatically surrealistic

Earlier in the day, i had an argument with the update-manager of my test machine who was refusing to update my Dapper Drake because of some "hash mismatch" at the mirror. For some reason, i didn't trust the ubunutu forums that state that "this occur when you try to update while mirrors are synchronizing" and … Continue reading Programmatically surrealistic

Sharp lane pour moi

L'application tomboy devient de plus en plus un élément central de mon activité professionnelle. Ce n'est plus simplement un moyen de me faire des todo-list, mais c'est devenu à la fois la "fournaises à idées" où je prépare mes articles, un substitut à mon ancien "meta-do comment" pour conserver mes réflexions à propos de mes … Continue reading Sharp lane pour moi

Text around figures in Latex

It gave me headaches, but finally i got it working. I discovered this morning that Computer Networks required pictures and bios of the authors, and that the elsarticle.cls latex class did not provide any standard mechanism to build these (not mentionning that my bio so far was entertaining, but absolutely not scientifical at all).i finally … Continue reading Text around figures in Latex