Life-changing books (2/3)

When I turned 17, it became clear that I couldn't realise all my projects with BASIC alone. I opted for physics/chemics labs rather than computer labs, unfortunately, and the teacher wouldn't let me get a copy of the Turbo Pascal she was using for her courses. "It wouldn't make any sense to me without her … Continue reading Life-changing books (2/3)

TrackSequence : public Animator

Ce coup-ci, c'est fait: j'ai enfin la possibilité de programmer des séquences d'actions en réutilisant la partition musicale comme "séquenceur". Ce n'est encore que moyennement utile vu le petit nombre d'actions disponibles dans le "dictionnaire" de guns.cxx, mais ça me permet par exemple de faire tourner une petite musique "Level Clear" avant de lancer le … Continue reading TrackSequence : public Animator

Bxx : jump to order xx (dec).

A MODule (or .S3M, .XM or .IT) is made of individual patterns, short musical sentences (or loops) composed by the author. These are latter arranged into a song through the order table that indicates in which sequence patterns must be played.A musician can decide to break the current pattern (Cxx) to skip to the next … Continue reading Bxx : jump to order xx (dec).

on pattern(%%) do { … } as x

One of the next challenge to handle for the GEDS engine will be the support for timed sequence. Such as "close the door, shake the ground, and now the boss can enter". Or more simply, "play the 'dead' animation, fade out, reload the level". As mentioned earlier, I could simply associate each of these individual … Continue reading on pattern(%%) do { … } as x

Apple Assault : 90% done ?

Okay, code is done and working on real hardware. You can stomp and bounce on applemen, you can "shoot something" when you've bounced enough. And applemen can be respawned, and their number can be dynamically defined. We're definitely getting closer to a "AppleAssault" release.Oh yeah, I know. You've been hearing that since the start of … Continue reading Apple Assault : 90% done ?

Sound Effects

Bon, il est temps de faire du bruit. Voilà le bout de code de la libntxm qui traite les nouvelles notes lors de la lecture du pattern. Le reste du temps, le player se contente d'ajuster le volume et de traiter les effets définis par une "cell" (une case du pattern).Pour pouvoir faire des effets … Continue reading Sound Effects