Ready? School!

one whole line of airborn (trans)anims!Aah ! Ça fait du bien! J'ai réussi à mener à bien les modifications synchronisées de l'éditeur de niveau et d'animations pour permettre jusqu'à 6 fois plus d'animations. Du coup, ma DS "green lime" est prête à reprendre le flambeau et me permet d'enfin bricoler ce "niveau anniversaire", qui a … Continue reading Ready? School!

Refactoring level loading in LEDS

If you want monsters in a level with libgeds, a .map file isn't enough. You need to provide a companion .cmd GameScript file that contain commands parsed by the engine to instanciate dynamic object, set rules that guide them, etc. Most of that content is left unmodified when you edit your map: only some 'GameOBject … Continue reading Refactoring level loading in LEDS

Incoming week-end ?

I cannot tell yet whether there will be significant development this week-end. I had a sort of marking-hangover last week-end and I barely managed to fix some bounding boxes and import some "school2.cmd" level to support the 20-year-old map I want to revive.Ça ne donne pas l'air de bouger fort, hein, ces dernières semaines. En … Continue reading Incoming week-end ?

LevelModel | MonstersManager

wow. Loading a level with monsters in LEDS is far from being a simple story, right now. LevelModel is the internal representation of your level content, and it can extract the "gob% = state% (%,%)" statements, but it has no idea how to render GOBs. That's the job of the MonstersManager ... and to some … Continue reading LevelModel | MonstersManager