Apple Assault 1.3 "French Touch"

Petite release intermédiaire parce que vous le valez bien, et à la demande de mon frangin qui est en contact avec El Mobo (le musicien de Fury of the Furries, entre-autres) et qui voudrait bien lui montrer ce que donne sa musique à lui "in game". Mode d'emploi dans la présentation de la version 1.0.Au … Continue reading Apple Assault 1.3 "French Touch"

External Actions

using sound(16,56) as 0 Bilou shootusing sound(0,60) as 1 Bilou hitusing shgob(state28:= 0 :1 1 :0) as 2 Bilou, right punchusing shgob(state29:= 0 :1 1 ~ :0) as 3 Bilou, left punchusing shgob(state19:=$100 :0 $100 ~ :1) as 4 Bilou, stomped starusing shgob(state19:=$100 ~ :0 $100 ~ :1) as 5 Bilou, other stomped starusing shgob(state0:=D) … Continue reading External Actions

Apple Assault : 90% done ?

Okay, code is done and working on real hardware. You can stomp and bounce on applemen, you can "shoot something" when you've bounced enough. And applemen can be respawned, and their number can be dynamically defined. We're definitely getting closer to a "AppleAssault" release.Oh yeah, I know. You've been hearing that since the start of … Continue reading Apple Assault : 90% done ?

Mechanics (t.a.g.)

This is a term I borrow from Kirby Kid -- aka Richard Terrel. Mechanics are the player initiated actions from controller inputs as designated by the game designers. These actions have effects on the gamestate in terms of the variables and dynamics of the gameplay system.In fact, if we consider that gameplay is the part … Continue reading Mechanics (t.a.g.)