Rendez-vous avec la S-Team

Ah. Enfin l'occasion de faire tester mon niveau vertical à la S-Team au grand complet! Et de plus entouré de p'tits n'veux de 8-10 ans qui ont fini par venir s'agglutiner autour de L (la benjamine) tandis qu'elle s'entrainait à aller le plus haut possible dans le niveau final. Les ainés auront eu du mérite … Continue reading Rendez-vous avec la S-Team

Finishing steps for School Rush

[true] ensure the music track for the last level is different[done] bring in the amazing books as the background for the final level[>>>] make a funny "true ending" sequence[done] draw something for the missing loading screen(s?)[done] inkjets start aggressive in hard mode[wish?] page-swap bonuses as player progress into the levels to m4ke him b3liv3 th3 … Continue reading Finishing steps for School Rush

NExt (last?) steps on School Rush

No real "todo item" identified from last week-end' playtesting session, except one funny idea of using a special feature of the NDS' sprite hardware so that we can see Bilou while he's swimming up the ink.I've got a few other things to do, though. Some editing on the map, some debugging on the inkjets, but … Continue reading NExt (last?) steps on School Rush