Adventures in 3D Land: DKC Returns

Donkey Kong Country est le premier jeu que je suis parvenu à terminer sur Super NES (grâce à l'entrainement de Julien). DKC2 est le jeu pour lequel j'ai installé mon premier émulateur. DKC3 celui qui a failli me coûter mes vacances d'été en '98 ... et je me serais sans doute passé de 3DS si … Continue reading Adventures in 3D Land: DKC Returns

Undermining challenges.

"31 years of Power-Up by TheBourgymanIs there still something to be said about power-up in platformer games ? I mean, since someone in Japan thought "How Popeye/Brutus strength ratio is reversed by a mere can of spinach is just genius, let's reuse that", it has been declined in so many variants ... all sort of … Continue reading Undermining challenges.

Alternate … for what ?

Reading again the "Alternate Path" post from Kirby Kid (on my cybook, from his 4-years archive) raised the question "Why would players put the effort to follow your alternate route  ?" ... And it seemed to be a deeper question that I'd have thought at first.It boils down to rewards you can offer to a … Continue reading Alternate … for what ?

When ID software is keen to hide …

There's an interesting thing with this "tunnel" level of Keen Commander V, that reveals the way ID software did conceived secret passages as rewards for exploration to players. Exploration is a key part of Keen games: you're not supposed to zoom through levels, as many keys and doors will require you to take detours. In … Continue reading When ID software is keen to hide …