3D: X Why Z ?

On me demande sans doute à raison pourquoi m'attaquer à la 3D maintenant (alors que j'ai un premier niveau qui est entre alpha et beta) ... "des effets d'éclairage?" ajoute mon frère ... Plus que ça, en fait.Wihin 8 hours after publishing my last post, I've got two person wondering why I need 3D now … Continue reading 3D: X Why Z ?

Deep Ink Pit gameplay

 Nous voici à la frontière entre le "monster design" et la conception du gameplay. L'aspect et l'idée de base pour spongebop sont définis, mais il reste à préciser comment le joueur va interagir avec ce "monstre".I recovered and digitized some sketches that describe the intended gameplay for Deep Ink Pit. I make the distinction against … Continue reading Deep Ink Pit gameplay


Spongebop monster design was a way to convert the (imho) funny and interesting spider monsters of prehistorik 2 into Bilou's world. As such, they won't simply move up or down, or track Bilou while sliding (as suggested in the 20-year-old proposal), but also rock and roll, hanging by a thread. Another conversion of dangerous-but-useful NPC … Continue reading Circularity

Back to School!

Here's at last the demonstration of game engine improvement and new graphics for the School Zone, on a temporary soundtrack by Cyborg Jeff.There's no "gameplay" or "mission" yet: you can navigate through a single map, bop sponges and dumbladors and track bugs (there sure are some). The ink doesn't hurt yet, but the baddies do. … Continue reading Back to School!