Tout vient d’la cache

Quand Eric parlait de faire des mises à jour à la volée de la mémoire au fil de l'animation des sprites, je pensais spontanément à un système semblable à celui de Donkey Kong Country: chaque personnage se voit attribué un emplacement en VRAM et les mises à jours pour ce personnage-là viennent systématiquement à l'emplacement … Continue reading Tout vient d’la cache

Si j’étais graphiste …

Si j'étais graphiste, mes sprites auraient plutôt cette trogne-là. Je saurais qu'une bonne animation, c'est une animation où on a pas peur de casser les cadres et j'arriverais à l'appliquer. Du coup, le meilleur environnement pour faire du bon travail, ce serait quelque-chose qui soit le plus souple possible. avoir suffisamment d'images disponibles simultanément pour … Continue reading Si j’étais graphiste …

What’s wrong with my spritesheet ?

Ok, this time, let's try to get that .spr file fixed. That's the right timing to get some framework that read and write .spr files on my host platform with the engine's C++ code.You may remember this spritesheet captured some times ago, where 'striped'  tiles were suspected to be declared free although containing pixels ... … Continue reading What’s wrong with my spritesheet ?

School Rush "Fish16"

 Here we go: the long awaited update on Bilou: School Rush game. Still only 4 levels, polished gameplay, improved menus for easier difficulty selection, and last but not least, improved software stability. I also fixed a couple of issues with level maps, esp. in level 2 that still featured a few excessively difficult things. More … Continue reading School Rush "Fish16"

selective WiFi transfers.

My .spr files are becoming large. That's especially annoying when you remember that issue with DS-to-PC bandwidth issue, which I still haven't investigated more. Look at all that grey and all that purple: these are not used by the game engine. I started an evolution of RunMe where you could selectively transfer "tiles" or "sprites" … Continue reading selective WiFi transfers.

Economiser des pixels

Imaginons un instant que je tente de faire l'animation du crayon-soldat qui court derrière Bilou juste en pixel art ... Il me faudrait avant tout gagner assez de place sur mes planches de sprites. Heureusement, les "1002/1024 tiles used" sont un peu surfaits. Si je visualise le contenu de la VRAM, les sprites colorés en … Continue reading Economiser des pixels

ghost busting with

No matter how much I improved SEDS, I still can't "optimize" my spriteset below 1024 tiles without messing up something. So I had to admit a disturbing possibility: maybe my tileset is *really* corrupted, and has been so unnoticed for some times ... maybe I'm suffering the equivalent of infamous cross clusters.Let's recap: in .spr … Continue reading ghost busting with


Here I stand, guilty of doing low-level debugging where the situation wasn't calling it. Now that I have a "test level" for the school zone, it's very tempting to start writing more monster code. I thought I could easily hack a Sponge Bop test while *deline was asleep this afternoon, but for some reason, only … Continue reading sponge-hands-and-ink-and-mockup