What’s wrong with my spritesheet ?

Ok, this time, let's try to get that .spr file fixed. That's the right timing to get some framework that read and write .spr files on my host platform with the engine's C++ code.You may remember this spritesheet captured some times ago, where 'striped'  tiles were suspected to be declared free although containing pixels ... … Continue reading What’s wrong with my spritesheet ?

sprsplit.pl ; dumpanim.pl

SEDS, LEDS and AnimEDS use a dedicated file format: .spr, which is not very complicated, but specific to this project. The rationale is that, given the limited resources on the DS, I don't want to mess up with parsing or encoding of complex representation. I've got chunk of data, which have a given size and … Continue reading sprsplit.pl ; dumpanim.pl

Small step for me, Giant leap for Badman

I guess this is another instance of "I just can't help", and I can only hope I'm not to blame. As I was working on retrieving more content for Aderack's Wiki, I stumbled upon that previous post where I was listing things that were needed for an anniversary edition of Badman on DS. One of … Continue reading Small step for me, Giant leap for Badman

spraddpage et compagnie.

Bon, puisque SEDS est "réparé", j'ai essayé de ramener l'entièreté de mes graphismes vers la DS. Certains avaient été faits sur la DS de mon frère (l'appleman, par exemple), d'autres sont des retouches dans Gimp, d'autres encore viennent du "vieux" jeu de tiles (oui, oui, celui qui a tout explosé en dépassant les 1024 tiles … Continue reading spraddpage et compagnie.