new and improved

Cette fois-ci, plus possible de retarder le passage au nouveau-blogger-tout-moche bien longtemps. Le hic c'est que la balise HTML que j'utilise pour faire un blog bilingue est détruite systématiquement (remplacée par un simple texte italique)Voici un test de préservation de la balise ;Plus important le main() doit pouvoir apparaître comme du code.En fait, la balise … Continue reading new and improved

update on BG colors.

So that's the tileset as you know it so far. Used in "greenwoods demo" and "Apple Assault". It took me a few more missed attempts while trying to blindly copy Eyecraft's colours but I finally got it working... And what made it work was to build up a mockup first (the small image nearby) with … Continue reading update on BG colors.

Turning a Dream into Reality.

I was somewhat fed up of the fairly "narrow" layout of Blogger. I grabbed a page and toyed with Mozilla Composer (or whatever name it has now) to optimise css "divs" for 1024 pixel screens. Then, I opened the previous "top banner" and started extending it.The banner's core idea was "turning a dream into reality" … Continue reading Turning a Dream into Reality.