Design Stories by Juicy Beast

Lately, I've been reading through the posts relating the design of "Toto Temple" by Juicy Beast studios. I especially focused on "Designing a “playable” UI that secretly teaches how to play" and "evolution through iteration" posts, in which the author meets my own "no tuto" guideline.In their game, going without a tutorial phase means that anyone … Continue reading Design Stories by Juicy Beast

SEDS interface revision with Atnas

One of Pixelation forum moderator started investigating tools for pixel-art (essentially game art) on DS/DSi. The only competitors listed against SEDS were actually animation programs (animatee and InchWorm on the DSiware). Pocket Pixies and Smoove are defunct homebrew. Yet, SEDS is still far from being user-friendly.My main problem with the interface is even with the … Continue reading SEDS interface revision with Atnas

Vu sur Internet …

J'aime assez bien la "jaquette" que les rédacteurs de ont mise en place pour mon éditeur de sprite, lors de sa version n° 4. Elle me donne d'ailleurs une idée pour une extension d'enfer: encodez un bitly, et on "charge" l'image correspondante sous forme .spr directement comme spritepage supplémentaire ^_^Par contre, les échos qui … Continue reading Vu sur Internet …