RunME needs a fix.

Mid-summer has been fairily hostile to game/tool development, unfortunately... I'm stuck on level editor progress because I can't easily ensure levels I edit are working properly, as RunME struggle to launch them. The best I could do while *deline was exploring the joy of the sea-side was some documentation of RunME so that the following … Continue reading RunME needs a fix.

Speed Limit: 32

Now, that's fairly annoying. It looks like the TCP WiFi transfers with the "devkitpro r32" is roughly 3 times slowlier than its r21 counterpart (in purple) for the same receiving code. That's especially annoying since it significantly increase the duration of a self-upgrade cycle during development.The new performance (in black, as reported by wireshark) is … Continue reading Speed Limit: 32

It works ! I can’t believe it !! …

Wo, dudes. It sure has been an odd week at work, but it was even weirder after office hours when I tried to figure out what prevented Apple Assault to work... I wish I had actually typed "svn copy trunk branch/dkp-r32" before I started "fixing" the code for the new release of devkitarm.After spending hours … Continue reading It works ! I can’t believe it !! …


sauf erreur de ma part, je parviens maintenant à avoir le code de runme qui tourne sur desmume (version 0.9.6-SVN) quand il est compilé avec en mode "dkp-r32". Par contre, si j'essaie d'utiliser les même outils pour AppleAssault, j'ai droit à un magnifique "SYSTEM POWERED OFF VIA ARM7 SPI POWER DEVICE". Je soupçonne desmume de … Continue reading SYSTEM POWERED OFF VIA ARM7 SPI POWER DEVICE

sgIP_TCP: either buggy or awkward

L'implémentation de TCP sur DS me surprend un peu, et pourrait bien expliquer les "fuites de données" observées pendant les transfers DS->PC. Ou les "deadlocks" qui se produisent en cours de transmission". Sur la sellette, la gestion des ACK, ces signaux qui indiquent qu'un paquet a bien été reçu.I've never seen a TCP implementation behaving … Continue reading sgIP_TCP: either buggy or awkward