Vieux coups de crayon…

2005 En vrac, quelques petites illustrations bilou-esques qui s'étaient glissées parmi mes documents de doctorant, et qui correspondent justement à la "zone creuse" de Bilou: L'encrier en 2005 pendant que je reluquais surtout les graphismes de pour améliorer mon trait, I think I mentioned that idle timeslice between 1998 (Badman III) and 2006 (the pencil … Continue reading Vieux coups de crayon…

Picking a Tile size.

Reading further through the Sonic Physics Guide, I noted that the collision mechanisms used (two "vertical sensing bars" for each feat and one "horizontal sensing bar") calls for a certain ratio between the character's collision box and the tile size. The rule is simple: your character should be able to stand on a single tile, … Continue reading Picking a Tile size.